Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Now you see it, now you don't

So Prop 8 passed in California. Remember how gays finally got the right to marry, as was their right to begin with as human beings and American citizens?

Well, that right is gone, baby, gone. This is truly disgusting. What the FUCK is this all about?

Gays want to 'redefine marriage', I've heard. Um...GOOD. You know how high the divorce rate is these days? I don't, but I know it's pretty fucking high. What's the matter, all you straight, God-fearing people? You scared the gays will be better at marriage than YOU are? Ooooh.

I was at a wedding recently where the priest went into 'people wanting to redefine marriage'. I almost threw up in the aisle. This was a hateful act, completely discriminatory--but it was inappropriate to boot. The priest had no right whatsoever to impose HIS ideology on two people who loved each other.

Neither does society. Neither does the government. And then need to suck it up.

The ancient, lost-to-the-ages definition of marriage was basically ownership of a woman by her father, then transference of said ownership to a husband. This was done for dozens of reasons, few of them having anything to do with love.

My married (or soon-to-be-married) friends will probably kick my ass for saying this, but it's true: that's why women are pressured to take on their husband's last names. Engagement rings? Ownership symbols. Yeah, I went there.

It's not overtly intended to be ownership ANYMORE. (I still think it is, though. Sorry, brides and brides-to-be of my acquaintaince.) We've changed the definition of marriage from ye olden days. Unfortunately, these people in the religious right? They still think of marriage as a (white) man owning a (white) woman.

Oh, they don't SAY that. Usually. It tends to be covert, but it's there. They don't want their masculinity challenged--thereby their power--and ownership--and control. THAT is what this is about. The scaredy-cat realization that maybe, just maybe, NO ONE should control ANYONE ELSE. EVER.

I'll let Keith Olbermann make the point much better than I just did:


Keith is the fucking MAN, yo.

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